ASAoK ver.21.1ca_9-27-2023

Morning Prayer Publishing

The Mustard Seed

Can faith the size of a mustard seed really move mountains. This novel will grant the reader a new perspective on faith, God and your actions within the realm of free-will from the Creator.

Audio Sample of Chapter 1

Listen to Chapter 1 to learn how Audrey and Jonathan missed the opportunity to meet, know & love each other. It shocks them to feel thier hearts connect, but fear kept them from catching the wave they were meant to ride together.

TERMINALS - A Time Travel Story

Time travel may have been around for thousands of years. Now learn how temporal teleportaion began and the ultra difficult reasons it was abandoned and hidden millinium ago.

Cynthia’s Dream; A Look Back

Published in 2004, this novel changed many young adult lives to wholesome lives of a new morality. The redux will focus on problems that did not exist when first published like social media bullying & school shootings, etc..

Upcoming Titles from Morning Prayer Publishing

Anatomy of Choice

Discover how and why we make choices; both good and bad. Who builds without counting the cost. No one should make a critical choice with knowing the anatomy of the decision and its implications.
Avalable On-Line or in stores
Audiobook Coming Soon Everywhere Available 10-1-2023
Click The Audiobook Cover For Your FREE Advance Listener Review Copy

Upcoming Titles

from Morning

Prayer Publishing

Anatomy of Choice

Discover how and why we make choices; both good and bad. Who builds without counting the cost. No one should make a critical choice with knowing the anatomy of the decision and its implications.

The Mustard Seed

Can faith the size of a mustard seed really move mountains. This novel will grant the reader a new perspective on faith, God and your actions within the realm of free-will from the Creator.

Audio Sample of Chapter 1

Listen to Chapter 1of A Simple Act of Kindness to learn how Audrey and Jonathan missed the opportunity to meet, know & love each other. It shocks them to feel thier hearts connect, but fear kept them from catching the wave they were meant to ride together.

TERMINALS - A Time Travel Story

Time travel may have been around for thousands of years. Now learn how temporal teleportaion began and the ultra difficult reasons it was abandoned and hidden millinium ago.

Cynthia’s Dream; A Look Back

Published in 2004, this novel changed many young adult lives to wholesome lives of a new morality. The redux will focus on problems that did not exist when first published like social media bullying & school shootings, etc.
Avalable On-Line or in stores
Read the Foreword Read the Foreword